Breaking It Down-Canada Eh?

you could have fooled me. Not the Canada I have always been proud of.

I am so terribly sad tonight. I am scared also. And angry, very angry. I saw a sign the other day that really said it all.

“My rights don’t end where your fear begins”.

Maybe because I have been in a domestic violence relationship and can recognize so many of the same tactics used by the government to divide, villianize and gas light, I understand people not realizing what is happening. It’s why so many women stay in abusive relationships. It’s text book strategies to instill fear and gain control. Remove support systems, make the victim reliant on the abuser, cause conflict and trauma, then be the one to “rescue” the victim. Turn friends and family against the victim by slandering and lying, accusing the victim of the abuse they themselves are guilty of.

Certain information never reaches the general public and if people don’t go looking for it, they fall deeper into cognitive dissonance and close their minds to any information that doesn’t align with their narrative. The human brain only knows what we put in it and the more we think about something the deeper it gets embedded in our brain. The more we hear on the radio, TV, about the unvaxed putting everyone in danger the more we believe it. I hear the vaxed parroting Trudeau and Bonny Henry’s propaganda and fear mongering, without realizing it doesn’t even make sense.

Trudeau has made a campaign to turn the vaxed against the unvaxed, he has used horrible divisive language, we should have to “tolerate” the unvaxed, the unvaxed are selfish and putting everyone at risk, and the biggest lie of all, the vaccines are safe and any side effects are “rare and mild”. The anger, aggression and volatility towards the unvaxed is palatable.

If I say the Pfizer Vax stopped my heart, I am told I am lying, or treated like, a “casualty of war”. Shit happens eh? There is NO sympathy for victims of the vaccines. NO news coverage, NO support, NO financial help, Christ! You can’t even talk about it without getting censored. Doctors don’t want to report injuries because they will be reprimanded.

God forbid a doctor prescribes an alternate treatment to a covid patient; he is automatically fired and stripped of his credentials, or as in one case, dragged from his home in handcuffs and put in a mental hospital against his will.

I am so disappointed in so many people, to hear how selfish people have become, they actually think other people should risk their life to save theirs. People actually believe that just because they didn’t have a bad reaction, no one does. How does a whole population get so closed minded and blind to the hardships of others? It scares me, because I truly believe a large portion of the population could/would throw another person to the slaughter to save their own life.

I could give hundreds of testimonials from victims of the vaccines, young males with heart failure, people paralyzed, having seizures, strokes from blood clots, menstrual periods lasting months, the list goes on and on. But MSM doesn’t talk about those people. They villianize the unvaxed, question why they won’t “do the right thing”, constantly feeding the division and hatred.

I want to share a few thoughts, facts, tips bits of information for you to think about

  1. 1. Why is it so easy for people to believe that a bunch of families from all across the country, (hard working, reliable, stand up citizens) are going to decide to put everything they have worked for their whole lives, on the line to become a terrorist and over throw the government. Before they over throw the govt they put up bouncy castles, barbecues, shovel snow, feed the homeless and stand around in freezing temperatures for 3 weeks just to piss off the residents of Ottawa? But they find it so hard to believe Trudeau is motivated by money, lying, has nefarious intentions and is misusing his powers as Prime Minister?
  2. 2. The BC Government website shows there was 30,000 LESS admissions to hospitals in 2020 than 2019. And 800 less people in ICU.
  3. 3. England released their figures for deaths since covid and the average age of the dead was 82.5 yrs old. And the number of deaths from covid, with no cormordities was 150 000 less than originally stated.
  4. 4. When covid first started and people panicked, were hoarding toilet paper, when grocery shelves were empty, restaurants were all closed, and no public washrooms were open, when people who didn’t even have a job were sitting home collecting their CERB cheques; the truckers were out there getting food to the stores and your Amazon purchases to your door. And how do we thank them? When 90 % of them are vaxed already and restrictions are being lifted around the world, Trudeau mandates truckers be vaccinated. And when they protest, he calls them a “fringe” group, he calls them every vile name he can think of and states he supports protests when he agrees with the cause and supports their right to voice opinions. So let me get that straight, he will allow any protest that doesn’t oppose him, but if he doesn’t like what you have to say, he refuses to talk to you and will slander you, lie about you and freeze your bank accounts and punish anyone who supports you. Got it, he made that message very clear. Then, even with three doses of vaccine, gets covid and goes into hiding. Give me a fucking break.
  5. 5. For 2 years nurses worked themselves to exhaustion, their faces bruised from the masks. How did we thank them, by mandating vaccines and Bonny Henry stating if they didn’t get a vaccine they were obviously in the wrong profession anyway.
  6. 6. The restrictions didn’t make sense at the best of times. Waitresses didn’t have to be vaccinated but the customers did. Even the logic that the unvaxed are putting the vaxed in danger, doesn’t make sense people! I was happy when the unvaxed weren’t allowed to go anywhere because I thought then people couldn’t blame the unvaxed for spreading covid. But nope, we were still the villians. Fear has made people lose their ability to think rationally, they just want someone to blame.
  7. 7. Why vaccinate children? when children have not been getting severely ill or dying. Statscan reports that since covid started, almost 2 years; there has been 31 deaths total for ages 0 to 19. I know for sure at least half of those had at least one commorbitity.
  8. 8. 100% of the deaths of covid in the under 45 age group had at least one commorbitity.
  9. 9. Young healthy males have been suffering from myocarditis and perioditis after getting vaxed. Heart failure is never mild and many will be on meds for life. Truckers are predominately male. In all good conscience, how can anyone,……. ANYONE believe it is right to mandate them to get vaccinated.
  10. 10. Has it not struck anyone as strange that in the middle of a pandemic of a highly contagious disease that requires mandates in order to stop the spread and save lives; thousands of people have gathered in one location for 3 solid weeks, hugging, singing, shouting, and no one is complaining the hospitals are inundated with covid patients?
  11. 11. Did you know that the troops sent in to break up the protestors didn’t have to be vaccinated? Isn’t that rather ironic to you?
  12. 12. The Ottawa police chief and many officers quit because they refuses to participate in what they considered to be in violation of the Charter of Rights.
  13. 13. Everyone keeps talking about the racists involved with the freedom convoy, 2 names imparticular. No one mentions the members of this fringe group who a respectable members of society, Google these names;
  14. Daniel Bulford, 15 yr veteran of the RCMP, most of his time was spent protecting the Prime Minister.
  15. Tamara Lich, a married mother, fitness instructor from Sask. and is also indigenous.
  16. Chris Barber is a saskatchewan farmer, with no criminal record, who owns a trucking company now is fight charges for which Crown is seeking a 2 year sentence.
  17. Benjamin Dichter who can be seen in this video answering a question about the nazi flags seen at the protest, he explains he is Jewish and that people do stuff like that at rallies to make the group look bad and they need to be ignored. The headline of the video says, he “Slams the Jewish community”. A prime example of MSM manipulating the news, they know most people browse headlines and never read the article.
  18. Just a few celebrities who support the truckers convey, Elon Musk, Russell Brand, Dr Debra Soh, neuroscientist. , Theo Fleury, Hockey player, Mike Fisher, Hockey player, Evangeline Lilly, Marcus Ray, motivational speaker who has started a tiny home village in BC, for people who have lost their jobs due to mandates. None of which have any connections to terrorist organizations or white Supremacy.
  19. 13. It turns out that most of the donations received by the freedom convoy were made by Canadians, followed by US citizens. So unless Trudeau thinks the US is planning to over throw the Canadian government, he had nothing to fear. So the reason for freezing people’s bank accounts is no longer concern for the countries security and more to do with punishing anyone who protests or supports protestors.
  20. Before I go, I want to thank the truckers. If I had the means I would have proudly joined them. They have taken alot of flack from many people, been lied about, and accused of horrendous things, but they also brought people of Canada together like I have never seen in my 63 years. Listening to the rhetoric coming out of Trudeau’s mouth and the bullshit being broadcasted on MSM I was certain some protestor was going to lose their shit and start shooting. But no, they stayed the course, they remained peaceful, fed the hungry, and spread love, hugs, and fellowship.
  21. The Karen’s who were afraid to leave their homes shouldn’t surprise anyone. My God, I had Karen’s giving me shit for walking my dog outside, alone without a mask. The residents of Ottawa who did venture out to meet the protestors were impressed with the generosity and kindness shown them. There were all ages, races, socioeconomical backgrounds, and they ALL love their country. I admit the honking would have gotten to me too, but I couldn’t have handled listening to all those people having fun and not joined in. I am so impressed that all those people gathered in one place for 3 weeks and there was no fighting, no rapes, no drug over doses, no shootings, the only injuries I’ve heard of were caused by the police “protecting” people.

I want the truckers to know, I know what you sacrificed in order to fight for your rights. I admire your courage and steadfastness, and I think you demonstrated true Canadian values and principles. I am proud of you. Trudeau may think he won, but it’s not over yet and you accomplished so much in 3 weeks. Most importantly, you gave people a voice, for the 1st time in almost 2 years people didn’t feel alone and hopeless, and instead felt community, connectedness, and heard.

Sure every group has their assholes, parliament sure does, and I have no doubt, there were a few assholes amongst the protestors and maybe the hot tub was a bit much. Trudeau calling the protestors racist is really rich! Blackface himself, he really needs to check who he throws rocks at, they just might bounce right back at him. And while on the topic of “pot calling the kettle black”, all of a sudden government is concerned about the unfair and brutal treatment of indigenous peoples by the police when they protested. Does everyone forget where Trudeau was on Reconciliation Day?

With all the controversy about defunding the police and police brutality, the government thinks its a good idea to give them MORE power and discretion.

Three weeks was a long time, and the only people I saw harassing Ottawa citizens were the militia brought in to clear out the protestors.

I don’t know what else the truckers could have done. Everyone says we have a right to protest, Trudeau even said, only if you aren’t protesting him. So what would you do if you were protesting something extremely important to you, your life, family and security. You would fight to the death, wouldn’t you? What if the person threatening your rights refused to listen to you and said go away. Would you just leave? Not much of a protest then. You wouldn’t accomplish anything.

To the people cheering about the hired police pepper spraying, trampling, and spewing hatred towards the truckers, protestors, and the unvaxed, and feeling so self righteous; I am disgusted by your total lack of empathy and refusal to see the other side. I take it very personally. So far the vaccine only stopped my heart and broke my ankle. My defibrulator saved my life when I had a blood clot a few months later. I have had a full life and could die tomorrow with few regrets but I wish I had listened to my gut and not gotten vaxed. My ankle still bothers me, my energy level never came back fully and I lost money I couldn’t afford to lose.

I do understand that if it doesn’t affect you personally you don’t really care, you are vaxed, you can dine out, you didn’t have side effects.

This has nothing to do with vaccines any more. It has to do with those of you who are OK with a Prime Minister who enacts the Emergency Act on his own people, takes their possessions, freezes their bank accounts so their can’t work, can’t pay bills and can’t support their families. It’s the government threatening to take and kill your pets, and take your children ALL without due process, or a court order. A country that punishes a single mom who donated $50 to the convoy by freezing her bank account. THAT makes me sick to my stomach.

Trudeau is out of control and every single Canadian should be horrified and demanding he is removed from office. The whole country should be protesting. You know why? Because if you don’t, you will never have the right to protest again. And when it’s your turn to protect a right that you don’t want to lose and the government says, tough, do it anyway. And have no doubt, that day will come. You are going to wish you had a bunch of truckers willing to sacrifice everything to protect your right to say no.

Canada is divided and I can’t see how that divide will ever be bridged until Trudeau is no longer Prime Minister and the self righteous get down off their high horse, because you are not on the right side of history. If dining out and being able to travel is your definition of freedom, and you are willing to get an injection to buy that freedom, I feel sorry for you.

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