The Obvious Questions About Vaccine Hesitancy

The world is divided into Vaxers and Anti-Vaxers. The world’s biggest problem isn’t a pandemic, or a vaccine mandate. Especially in Canada, the biggest problem is the irrational thought processes that some people citizens have that compels them to lose all empathy for anyone not willing to get the jab and no matter what evidence is presented they refuse to even consider anything that goes against their belief that vaccines are the only thing that will save the world.

They blindly refuse to accept there are victims of side effects, that there is an alternate treatment available, and their rational is, trust science, why would they lie? The main traits of a psychopath are;

,-they are pathological liars,

; they are power/control hungry

; they love to create drama, trauma and control people through they emotions.

; they want a reaction, it can be anger, fear, sadness, rage, even hatred, as long as they caused it.

; the surest way to know you are dealing with a psychopath is when someone does something truly horrible for no reason. For example, my ex sabotaged my truck so it wouldn’t run and then he would have to fix it.

No one believed me because it didnt make sense, why would he do that? It cost us money, he complained bitterly about having to fix my truck and it meant I couldn’t work. I found myself doubting it. Why??

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