Supporting The Fringe Minority

Trudeau has shown his true colors through this whole demonstration by the truckers. He despises anyone who dares to question his authority or his choices. We have all known people like that at some point in our life, they will resort to anything to prove they are “right”. They will never admit they were wrong and refuse to even listen to anyone who presents alternate or new found proof that they are wrong. They will slander, blame, and down right lie about anyone who tries to speak out with the truth.

So typical of any abusive controlling person, they will fabricate stories about the victim and try to change the focus off their sins and turn others against the victim. In domestic abuse situations the abuser will complain bitterly about the victims actions, mental instability, and accuse the victim of committing the exact same acts of abuse against the true abuser.

In a domestic situation, it’s easy for the abuser to convince friends and family, even the victim; that it’s the victim’s fault or the victim is the abuser.

My dad used to say, “You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.”

So how does the leader of a country brain wash almost the whole country? They control the information being shared. I didn’t think it would be possible to influence that many people and logic and intelligence would prevail but obviously, that is not the case.

If a person doesn’t want to put in the work of researching, and takes the “easy” route of accepting the information they are spoon fed; there is very little that can be done to change their mind.

Then there is the section of the population who stays quiet even if they don’t like what is happening because they don’t want to be ridiculed. They want to belong to the popular group, to be right.

The other group of people are like me; they have tried to voice their protests, inform others, reached out to their government representatives and are totally frustrated with their efforts being ignored, censored and banned.

I believe it is much easier to make wise decisions when you have all the facts. When I know I don’t have the truth, I tend to dig until I get to the truth. It takes a discerning mind and a willingness to be wrong. It’s hard to believe so many people would be willing to get something injected in their body just because someone says it’s safe, before enough time has passed to know for sure.

Thank God for the people willing to be guinea pigs in trials, I am not that brave. I most definitely don’t believe anyone should be mandated to get a vaccine that is not fully tested.

We trust our news sources to be honest and it’s easy to see why people are angry with the truckers. If you get all your information from the popular news stations, you believe:

1. The vaccines are safe; and from outward appearances they are. You got vaccinated and you are fine and that’s all that matters to you, so you don’t dig for more information. Parents wanting to know if vaccines are safe for their kids look no further than the government for their information and turn a deaf ear to anyone who is trying to warn them of the dangers. Life is busy, you don’t have time to dig for information. And, unfortunately, if it doesn’t affect you directly you don’t want to hear about it. And as I have discovered, if you do have an adverse side effect, even people who say they like and love you, don’t want to hear it and actually get angry when you talk about it. It is no longer a secret that vaccines are messing with girls periods, and that the vaccines cause blood clots, and myocarditis. There is no such thing as mild myocarditis and when they say that most of the people who got myocarditis from the vaccine recovered with medication and recovered, they are not telling you if the person will be on medication for life. They do not tell you how hard the medications are on the liver and kidneys, or that a person with myocarditis has a much shorter life expectancy.

2. Mandates are necessary to end the pandemic – when almost every other country and even provinces within Canada are lifting restrictions and scrapping vaccine passports and traveller’s no longer have to be tested. How can you justify Trudeau bringing in mandates for truckers. What possible reason can he give to make that ok in your mind?

The government has been on a campaign to villianize anyone who won’t get the vaccine. Trudeau refused to answer Candice Bergen, from the opposition, when she rightfully asked, “Canada has one of the highest vaccination rates at over 90%, do you want 100% vaccination before you lift the restrictions?”

He has now enacted the Emrrgency Act and everyone should be very afraid about how Trudeau has handled this whole situation and more power has been given to the police who have already proven they abuse the power they already have.

The Emergency Act removes many of your powers and rights. All because of a mandate that is unnecessary and puts lives in danger.

Trudeau said he would not enact mandates, and he did. He said restrictions would be lifted when 70% of the population was vaccinated. We are at 90%. Now he says the war measures act is temporary, but now you don’t have the right to protest when they never lift the restrictions. Now, in the matter of one day, you went from living in a free country to living in a war state.

For 2 years the government has chanted, “Trust science” and yet when highly educated, highly respected, professionals tried to warn the public about adverse effects from vaccines and suggest alternatives to treatment, they were slandered, stripped of their credentials, and lost their careers and are now hiring lawyers to fight unjust punishment for speaking out.

I applaud the truckers and thank them for their brave efforts. I don’t expect them to jeopardize their companies, possibly lose their trucks and income. They should not feel they failed, they brought the country together in a way I have never seen Canada come together before. They gave people a voice and the people spoke loud and clear, on horse back, in tractors, cars, and walking. It was not a fringe minority of radicals. It is a group of brave people putting everything on the line for the human rights of all people. People who stood true to their principles and would not compromise their values and beliefs because it was easier than fighting.

This is a very sad day in Canadian history.